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Waiver & Terms of Service

Liability Waiver

I do hereby release, absolve, indemnify, and hold harmless the organizers of Smashing Cancer, Cancer StrongHER, The Birch Racquet & Lawn Club, Keller Alliance Tennis Charter (KATCH), all Tennis Instructors involved, and all Volunteers, activity officials, activity sponsors, any or all of them in the event of accident, injury or death (including COVID-19 related illness) sustained by the above named participant(s) while participating in any activity, from any liability of any kind whatsoever. I also give permission for any photographs taken during these activities to be utilized for promotional uses now and in the future. I do hereby give my approval for participation in any and all of the program’s activities.

Terms of Service

In case of inclement weather, Smashing Cancer shall offer either a shortened format or an indoor celebration with tennis games and competitions. Should the tournament be canceled for any reason, including weather, there will be no refunds. Funds will be donated to Cancer StrongHER.

There are no refunds on registration fees. Should you need to cancel after you register, funds will be donated to Cancer StrongHER.